4,992 research outputs found

    Group polytope faces pursuit for recovery of block-sparse signals

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    This is the accepted version of the article. The final publication is available at link.springer.com. http://www.springerlink.com/content/e0r61416446277w0

    A Multichannel Spatial Compressed Sensing Approach for Direction of Arrival Estimation

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    The final publication is available at http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-15995-4_57ESPRC Leadership Fellowship EP/G007144/1EPSRC Platform Grant EP/045235/1EU FET-Open Project FP7-ICT-225913\"SMALL

    The zero exemplar distance problem

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    Given two genomes with duplicate genes, \textsc{Zero Exemplar Distance} is the problem of deciding whether the two genomes can be reduced to the same genome without duplicate genes by deleting all but one copy of each gene in each genome. Blin, Fertin, Sikora, and Vialette recently proved that \textsc{Zero Exemplar Distance} for monochromosomal genomes is NP-hard even if each gene appears at most two times in each genome, thereby settling an important open question on genome rearrangement in the exemplar model. In this paper, we give a very simple alternative proof of this result. We also study the problem \textsc{Zero Exemplar Distance} for multichromosomal genomes without gene order, and prove the analogous result that it is also NP-hard even if each gene appears at most two times in each genome. For the positive direction, we show that both variants of \textsc{Zero Exemplar Distance} admit polynomial-time algorithms if each gene appears exactly once in one genome and at least once in the other genome. In addition, we present a polynomial-time algorithm for the related problem \textsc{Exemplar Longest Common Subsequence} in the special case that each mandatory symbol appears exactly once in one input sequence and at least once in the other input sequence. This answers an open question of Bonizzoni et al. We also show that \textsc{Zero Exemplar Distance} for multichromosomal genomes without gene order is fixed-parameter tractable if the parameter is the maximum number of chromosomes in each genome.Comment: Strengthened and reorganize

    A meson-exchange piN model up to energies sqrt(s) < 2.0 GeV

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    A meson-exchange piN model, previously constructed using three-dimensional reduction scheme of the Bethe-Salpeter equation for a model Lagrangian involving \pi, \eta, N, \Delta, rho, and \sigma fields, is extended to energies up to 2 GeV by including the \eta N channel and all the four stars \pi N resonances up to the F-waves. The effects of other 2 pion channels are taken into account phenomenologically. The extended model gives an excellent fit to both piN phase shifts and inelasticity parameters in all channels up to the F-waves. However, a few of the extracted resonance parameters differ considerably from the PDG values.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figire, 1 table. Talk presented at the 18th International Conference on "Few-Body Problems in Physics", Aug. 21-26, 2006, Santos, Brazi

    Renormalized Electron Mass in Nonrelativistic QED

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    Within the framework of nonrelativistic QED, we prove that, for small values of the coupling constant, the energy function, E_|P|, of a dressed electron is twice differentiable in the momentum P in a neighborhood of P = 0. Furthermore, (E_|P|)" is bounded from below by a constant larger than zero. Our results are proven with the help of iterative analytic perturbation theory

    Introduction to Holographic Superconductors

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    These lectures give an introduction to the theory of holographic superconductors. These are superconductors that have a dual gravitational description using gauge/gravity duality. After introducing a suitable gravitational theory, we discuss its properties in various regimes: the probe limit, the effects of backreaction, the zero temperature limit, and the addition of magnetic fields. Using the gauge/gravity dictionary, these properties reproduce many of the standard features of superconductors. Some familiarity with gauge/gravity duality is assumed. A list of open problems is included at the end.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 5th Aegean Summer School, "From Gravity to Thermal Gauge Theories: the AdS/CFT Correspondence"; v2: references adde

    Appearance and disappearance of superconductivity in SmFe1-xNixAsO (x = 0.0 to 1.0)

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    Bulk polycrystalline Ni-substituted SmFe1-xNixAsO (x = 0.0 to 1.0) samples are synthesized by solid state reaction route in an evacuated sealed quartz tube. The cell volume decreases with increase of Ni content in SmFe1-xNixAsO, thus indicating successful substitution of smaller ion Ni at Fe site. The resistivity measurements showed that the spin-density-wave (SDW) transition is suppressed drastically with Ni doping and subsequently superconductivity is achieved in a narrow range of x from 0.04 to 0.10 with maximum Tc of 9K at x = 0.06. For higher content of Ni (x > 0.10), the system becomes metallic and superconductivity is not observed down to 2K. The magneto-transport [R(T)H] measurements exhibited the upper critical field [Hc2(0)] of up to 300kOe. The flux flow activation energy (U/kB) is estimated ~98.37K for 0.1T field. Magnetic susceptibility measurements also confirms bulk superconductivity for x = 0.04, 0.06 and 0.08 samples. The lower critical field (Hc1) is around 100Oe at 2K for x = 0.06 sample. Heat capacity CP(T) measurements exhibited a hump like transition pertaining to SDW in Fe planes at around 150K and an AFM ordering of Sm spins below temperature of 5.4K for ordered Sm spins [TN(Sm)]. Though, the SDW hump for Fe spins disappears for Ni doped samples, the TN (Sm) remains unaltered but with a reduced transition height, i.e., decreased entropy. In conclusion, complete phase diagram of SmFe1-xNixAsO (x = 0.0 to 1.0) is studied in terms of its structural, electrical, magnetic and thermal properties.Comment: 18 pages text + Figures; comments suggestions welcome ([email protected]

    Multivariate side-band subtraction using probabilistic event weights

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    A common situation in experimental physics is to have a signal which can not be separated from a non-interfering background through the use of any cut. In this paper, we describe a procedure for determining, on an event-by-event basis, a quality factor (QQ-factor) that a given event originated from the signal distribution. This procedure generalizes the "side-band" subtraction method to higher dimensions without requiring the data to be divided into bins. The QQ-factors can then be used as event weights in subsequent analysis procedures, allowing one to more directly access the true spectrum of the signal.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure


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    Modified stainless steel surfaces were fouled with whey protein solutions to study the deposition mechanisms and the effects of surface modification. Stainless steel samples were coated with diamond-like carbon (DLC) and titanium nitride (TiN). These surfaces are expected to present different surface chemistries to stainless steel in terms of their functional groups and hydrophobic or hydrophilic nature. Thus, it is expected that foulant-surface interactions will differ for the various fouled surfaces. The substrates were exposed to a flowing whey protein solution in a fouling rig designed to achieve laminar flow. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) was used to study the initial protein-surface interactions of samples fouled for 1 minute at 75°C. Ellipsometry was used to study the fouling and cleaning performance of samples fouled at 75°C and 85°C for up to 30 minutes followed by ultrasonic caustic cleaning of selected samples. XPS showed the presence of similar protein functional groups on all fouled surfaces. The bonding mechanisms during fouling of DLC is different to the stainless steel and TiN surfaces. The peptide link played a more active role at the deposit-surface interface for the non-polar DLC surface, while it was less significant for the two polar surfaces. Ellipsometry revealed that for the three surfaces, fouling increased in the order DL
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